Ftp permission 666 or 777 - Community support

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chmod 666

chmod 666  echo chmod 666 devdiag >> systemetcinit won't work You need to provide an init trigger as well For instance: CHMOD allows permissions to be altered, but never before have I seen this command, on its own, summarily delete anything

I wanted to ftps some files to Movies but I could not get in, so i sudo chmod 666 for Movies and Music Now the directories are chmod 664 Warning, Beware 666 and 777 Setting permissions to 666 or 777 will allow everyone to read and write to a file or directory These

cgi to read, write, and execute by owner and read and execute by the group and everyone else chmod 666 Set the permission of file chmod 666: No one executes To give owner, group and everyone else read and write permission on file chmod -c 666 pathtofile chmod 644

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