chmod 666


chmod 666   chmod 666 chmod 664 Warning, Beware 666 and 777 Setting permissions to 666 or 777 will allow everyone to read and write to a file or directory These

chmod 777 By running “chmod 666” on a directory, she made it unexecutable What she should have done is “chmod a+rw *”, which would have added readwrite permissions

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เฮงเฮง666 cgi to read, write, and execute by owner and read and execute by the group and everyone else chmod 666 Set the permission of file 

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chmod 666chmod 666 ✅ Explain the following commands 1) chmod 700 file 2 chmod 666,chmod 664 Warning, Beware 666 and 777 Setting permissions to 666 or 777 will allow everyone to read and write to a file or directory These&emspCHMOD 666 by 墳墓, released 27 August 2021

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