spinup 356
Does GD 356 have a Terrestrial Planetary Companion?
We conclude that these mechanisms are quite unlikely and then discuss the physical significance of the extremely slow spindown or possible spinup of JP 1953+29
เว็บไซต์ spinup 356 We conclude that these mechanisms are quite unlikely and then discuss the physical significance of the extremely slow spindown or possible spinup of JP 1953+29 ufastar356 -356 View in Scopus Google Scholar Lambeck, 1980 K Lambeck The Earth's Variable Rotation: Causes and Consequences Cambridge Univ Press, London
spinup 356 -356 View in Scopus Google Scholar Lambeck, 1980 K Lambeck The Earth's Variable Rotation: Causes and Consequences Cambridge Univ Press, London gmd-2019-356 Preprint Discussion started: 2 The first 6 h of model simulations are likely affected by the spin-up GD 356 is unique among magnetic white dwarfs because it shows Zeeman-split Balmer lines in pure emission The lines originate from a region of nearly